Take back control of your data
Nuggets lets you pay, login and verify your ID – without you having to share your personal data with anyone. Not even Nuggets itself.
It stores all your personal and payment data with blockchain – advanced technology that’s exceptionally secure.
Company databases are breached every day. But with Nuggets, your data is safe even if there’s a breach – because it’s not there.
Never store or share your data with third parties
But still use the services you love
Privacy and security assured
Thanks to blockchain and data encryption
No passwords
So no one can use your passwords for phishing, social engineering, malware attacks, or hijacking your phone account

Your personal digital vault
Store your personal information where only you own and control it
Remove insecure two-factor authentication
No more insecure password, SMS and email verifications
Use Nuggets on Android or iOS, and across mobile, desktop and multiplatform
Next-gen authentication
Blockchain technology keeps your details private when you use Nuggets to login, pay or verify your ID.
Single sign-on with biometrics
One biometric verification. No more usernames or passwords at any level.
Verify your ID in moments
The simple way to prove you’re you. No more security questions.
Choose your payment method
Use existing methods like cards and cryptocurrency.

You’re in control
Stop handing over private personal data to companies. With Nuggets, even we can’t see it.
Update everything at once
If your details change, just update Nuggets – not every single service.
Use Nuggets on Android or iOS, and across mobile, desktop and multiplatform.
A true internet of value
The more you use Nuggets, the more NUG Tokens you earn. Then you can use NUG to pay for products and services. You can also earn NUG by choosing to share data – finally giving your data the value it deserves.

The many uses for Nuggets
Deliveries: accepting and confirming
When the courier delivers your package, they can just ping your Nuggets app for you to confirm your identity.
Payments: simple, private and secure
Pay using various methods, including credit and debit cards or cryptocurrency. Without handing over personal data.
Verify your identity
Forget all those customer service security questions. Just verify your ID with a tap in Nuggets. And avoid the danger of data breaches.
Nuggets Tokens
Nuggets is a tokenized system. As you use it, you earn Nuggets Tokens (NUG). Then you can use these Tokens to pay, or part-pay, for purchases from Nuggets-enabled companies. So NUG have real-world value.
You get NUG when you sign up or refer someone, and when you use Nuggets to login, pay, or verify your ID. You can also earn NUG by choosing to share specific “nuggets” of your data.

Fully customisable. Easy to integrate. Cross-platform.
Nuggets is a white-label identity solution. Deploy it the way that makes sense for you and your customers. It integrates with compliance processes, payments and your customer experience.
Consumer-grade and enterprise-ready.
Nuggets is available on Android and iOS, desktop and multiplatform.